Developing leaders as well as empowering students to have a strong voice and agency in their future learning and the direction of their school is an important element of Reservoir Views Primary School.
Junior School Council is a representation of elected students from Year 2 – Year 6. It provides an important forum for students to share their ideas, interests and concerns with teachers and the Principal. Junior School Councillors are responsible, organised, and committed to school improvement, and most importantly, a voice for all students.
JSC often raises funds for different charities and community projects. They are also responsible for organising school-wide activities and events and communicating these at assemblies and in the newsletter.
School assembly is held every Monday in the Multi-Purpose Room at 9.05am and families are warmly encouraged to attend. Our student leaders conduct the assembly; sharing information and presenting our 'Values Celebration' certificates.
'Values Celebration' certificates are one of the ways we celebrate students demonstrating our school values of Connection, Courage, and Curiosity. Throughout each week students celebrate and recognise when their peers have demonstrated a school value. Students then select one of their peers to be recognised during our weekly assembly.
Prep and Years 5 and 6 children are involved in regular cross-age activities to support their learning and happy transition into school life.